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Body fat percentage is simply the percentage of fat your body contains. A certain amount of body fat is necessary to carry out bodily functions.
If you’re getting ready to shed some body fat, a full body workout is a great choice to start with. Here are 3 great workouts to choose from! Check it out!
If you’re utilizing a lower carbohydratecutting diet, this will be the best approach to take since it won’t leave your muscles drained. You really must pay attention when doing your workouts to what type of diet you’re following. This will have a large influence on overall program design.
The second type of full body workout aimed for cutting is a workout to deplete all the muscle glycogen stores. These are effective when performed once in a while to really boost fat burning enzymes in the body and increase progress.
Finally, the last variation of a full body workout for cutting is for someone who is under greater time constraints and looking to get in and out of the gym as quickly as possible.