Fat is not Bad

Fat is not Bad

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FAT is just a FAD and is understood in a very wrong manner. Fat is a vital part of our diet and daily nutrition, we cannot live without it.

Our bodies do require small amounts of fat to function which help prevent disease. However, a lot of daily diets contain way much more fat than that the body requires. Too much excess fat, specifically too much of the wrong type of fat (especially processed and too much of saturated fat), can result in serious health complaints including obesity, high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, which may in turn lead to a greater risk of heart disease.


Fat is Good

Fat is regarded as a concentrated source of energy – 1 gram of fat consists of 9 calories, much more than 1 gram of proteins or carbohydrates that contain 4 calories per gram. The body can count on its fat reserves during lean times converting fat into glucose for energy purposes.
Fat also provides a cushioning support to help protect our vital organs without which our organs would be more prone to internal damage. Furthermore, fat also acts as an insulator which maintains the correct body temperature.

Fat allows our bodies to process fat soluble vitamins namely A, D, E and K  which are vital to good health.

Like amino acids make proteins, fat contains fatty acids (FA’s). There are some Essential FA’s are, as their name implies, essential to good health that are likely to help the heart and immune system. The human body cannot make or produce its own (synthesize) and hence EFA’s needs to be consumed from dietary fat.

Some other fatty acids – like omega 3 – provide several health benefits such as complimenting the cognitive processes of the brain.

Our bodies stores fat as a energy reservoir for lean times and have evolved to cope with seasonal availability of food – storing excess as fat when food is plentiful and burning the stored reserves when food is scarce. In the modern world, our bodies store fat but never faces a condition where it burn its off, as fat adds cumulative we become overweight.

Fat may cushion and protect our internal organs; however excess cushioning means more bulk and weight which in turn raise the workload of the heart and other organs.